Clinical Study 2012-2013

SOAHA, Study about Older Adults with Hearing Aids
SOAHA, conducted in 2012-2013 by fifty European audiologists, aimed to evaluate the benefit of hearing aids for patients older than 80 years.

Several aspects have been evaluated on a sample of 1049 patients in 5 countries :
  • Improvement of intelligibility after hearing aid fitting, through voice tests, with and without hearing aids, and with and without lip reading
  • Patient autonomy about the daily management of a hearing aid
  • Patient satisfaction by using a specific questionnaire
Some important statistics:
  • 1049 patients tested in 5 countries (Belgium, Spain, France, Italy and Switzerland)
  • 54 audiologists in 49 laboratories of audiology
  • 59% of women and 41% of men, with a mean age of 84,8 years
  • 72% of the patients benefit from a bilateral equipment
  • 82.65% of patients wear their hearing aids more than 8 hours per day
  • 93% of patients claim that they could not have the same activities and the same social life without their hearing aids

The full results of SOAHA were be presented during the Congress 2013 : an official publication is being drafted and will be available soon for download on this website.